
Nice to meet you.



毕业后的工作经历过迷茫与挣扎,花了好大力气挺过来,有了模糊的职业认识与发展目标,能够静下心来去积累了。工作已经一年,坐标香港,接触过Android, iOS开发以及Web的前端开发。未来的短期计划是主攻iOS开发,学有余力时玩下Web的前后端技术。

对计算机以外的世界同样充满好奇,喜欢听别人讲述他们的故事以及对不同领域的认识,坚信跨学科学习有着“1+1>2”的化学效果。从小深受日本文化的“毒害”, 童年时的“美少女战士”是启蒙。喜爱他们的反差式幽默以及温柔而坚定的内心性格。



Do what you love, love what you do.

I am a slow learner with love in coding. Starting with poor understanding in programming one year ago, right now I am kind of knowing to what level my knowledge and skills are, along with strong passion in exploring further new areas.

One year's struggling in workplace after graduation has given me initial understandings in industry and not bad goals in both career and life. I feel grateful for what I have experienced since those have given me fighting spirit and concentration in accumulating knowledge. Right now I am living in Hong Kong, and have short experienced in Android, iOS development and Web front-end development. The short-term goal is to focus on iOS platform, with interest in exploring technologies of Web development when time allows.

Being curious about areas other than computer's, I like listening to other people's description of their stories and shares of their thoughts in interested areas. I believe cross-disciplinary learnings can have chemical effect of "1+1>2". Japanese culture has deeply "poisoned" my mind, from watching "Sailor Moon" in my childhood. I quite admire their humor style of contrast, and gentle but persistent personalities.

Love basketball, anime, movies, music, reading and photography, with admiration for Kobe Bryant. I can have fun when being alone, and sometimes being shy sometimes being humorous in social activities. I insist that someone should know him/herself first before knowing the outside world.

I am Desomnd DAI, a strange boy with efforts in being true to life and people who really cares about me.